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Go like Silk

Our expertise

Go like Silk offers workshops and individual sessions covering a variety of different topics and target groups. We work in English or German; however, the skills we teach are transferable and can be applied to any language.

Kindness Communication

Communication is an intra-active relation. We all have our own needs, goals and insecurities. With Kindness Communication, we acknowledge that communication is not about words. It’s about people.

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Relational Reading

Understanding written communication doesn’t only require language skills but also an adequate level of confidence in coping with written texts. Relational Reading strengthens this confidence on an emotional-cognitive level.

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Adult education
& life-long learning

Communication is more than just language. We encourage people with different biographies and goals to explore and enrich their individual communication profile and advocate authenticity as a reliable communication policy.

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Training the trainers

Professional knowledge transfer requires more than just specialised knowledge and language skills. We offer a nuanced and practice-oriented approach to the complex interplay between social expectations, power dynamics and discourses in different teaching settings.

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Target groups

We offer workshops and invidual sessions for a number of different target groups.

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We cooperate successfully with other companies and organisations. We would be delighted to hear your ideas for potential cooperations.

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To be fluent means to flow.

Go like Silk